We Heart Baby Gear.

About a week and a half home now and things have calmed down – the babies still wake 5-10 times a night each (although miraculously, they never wake each other up, even when wailing!). Ryan and I depend heavily on caffeine at this point. A quick walk though babies r us will have you thinking […]

Progress in the Sleep Arena (Days 11-12)

Sailor’s naps are less of a struggle. She doesn’t scream any more, just some occasional protesting. We still hold her for nearly every nap so that she can sleep longer than 45 minutes. Oliver has become more finicky with sleep. No more just setting him down with the pacifier and blanket…now he wants to be […]


April 2010 I knew they would come eventually. Everything I’ve read on attachment and foster parenting and adoption and childhood trauma had informed me well that tantrums would set in and that — believe it or not — they were actually a sign of healing. Progress. I reminded myself of this as Gabriella hurled books […]