We Heart Baby Gear.

About a week and a half home now and things have calmed down – the babies still wake 5-10 times a night each (although miraculously, they never wake each other up, even when wailing!). Ryan and I depend heavily on caffeine at this point. A quick walk though babies r us will have you thinking […]

24 Days and Easter Nesting

I’ve already sorted through the babies’ clothes, picking out the outfits that will fit when we return and stacking them oh-so-nicely in the dresser – identical little stacks of pjs, onesies, and little baby leggins. So since there’s nothing left to “nest” with their clothes, I’m moving on. Next stop: re-sterilizing the bottles. (But weren’t […]

Black Friday Deal Sweats

It’s been years since I’ve ventured out into the insanity for Black Friday shopping.  This year, I reclaimed the torch.  We had a few things we were interested in, but nothing worth slide-tacking someone for.  It was more about the craziness of getting up at 5 am to walk amongst the living dead.  Someone nearly […]

Things We Love: Britax B-Ready Stroller

Since we plan hope to have collect 2 or 3 kiddos close in age, we wanted a stroller that could be a double stroller when needed and: 1) wasn’t ugly 2) wasn’t like pushing a prison bus 3) could be used with an infant car seat Voila! The Britax B Ready does it all. And more! The […]