We Heart Baby Gear.

About a week and a half home now and things have calmed down – the babies still wake 5-10 times a night each (although miraculously, they never wake each other up, even when wailing!). Ryan and I depend heavily on caffeine at this point. A quick walk though babies r us will have you thinking […]

A Whole Bin of Toys?! (2nd day home)

The babies are loving having more than the 12 toys they’re sick of. Luggage came, interrupting our nap (yeah, we neeeeed those naps – babies still waking every hour at night). Haven’t opened it yet. I fear all of Africa might pop out like something out of Jumanji. So good to be home.


(Forgot to mention that our luggage got stuck in Dallas. Apparently we can run to the gate; the employees could not run our luggage there in time). After hugs and complaints about airlines and oohing and ahhing over the babies with our airport greeting crew (we love you guys!), we were on our way HOME […]

How the Flights Went: Part 3

We landed in Dallas, thanked our seat neighbors profusely for being so helpful and supportive, and walked our way onto American soil carpeted airport. We had a little over 3 hours until our connecting flight took off – no problem, right? Well, no. Since this was our first stop in the US, we had to […]

How the Flights Went – Part 1: Getting to the Airport

We did our usual bedtime routine around 7 pm, bathed the babies, read books, and put them to bed. Each of us showered, knowing it might be our last in God knows how long, then we finished up the last bit of packing, drank diet coke, and kinda-sorta watched part of a movie (at super […]

We’re Coming Home! (Day 19)

In complete astonishment, we opened an email this afternoon from the Embassy saying they’ve cleared our files, the babies’ US visas are ready to be issued, and we can go home! In total shock. One day after turning in our investigations (the wait has been up to 4 months for some families). Turns out Ryan does […]

Progress in the Sleep Arena (Days 11-12)

Sailor’s naps are less of a struggle. She doesn’t scream any more, just some occasional protesting. We still hold her for nearly every nap so that she can sleep longer than 45 minutes. Oliver has become more finicky with sleep. No more just setting him down with the pacifier and blanket…now he wants to be […]

Taking the Babies Home (Day 3)

Immediately after court, we went to the Agency Orphanage to pick up the babies. The orphanage physician was there and gave us a mostly unhelpful (and partially false/impossible?) medical history of the babies. The orphanage director, a smiling bubbly woman, was close to tears when we said we were taking the babies today. She is […]