And Again We Try Taking Pictures of the Two of Them.

[for Episode 1, see here] One smiles adorably while the other chews on a stuffed animal: Baby down! Baby down! And we’ll claw out his eyes! “Oooh, what’s this, an EAR?! Let me pull it right off!” “Argh!! You wanted me to make my pirate face, right?”

First Doc Visit

Took the babies to the pediatrician our first week home. Results: Two ear infections (boo, but we suspected as much) Oliver: 13 lbs 7 oz Sailor: 14 lbs 10 oz Order for a gazillion diagnostic tests to double-check for all the things they were tested for in Africa Increasing Ollie’s already high-calorie preemie formula to […]

We Heart Baby Gear.

About a week and a half home now and things have calmed down – the babies still wake 5-10 times a night each (although miraculously, they never wake each other up, even when wailing!). Ryan and I depend heavily on caffeine at this point. A quick walk though babies r us will have you thinking […]

A Whole Bin of Toys?! (2nd day home)

The babies are loving having more than the 12 toys they’re sick of. Luggage came, interrupting our nap (yeah, we neeeeed those naps – babies still waking every hour at night). Haven’t opened it yet. I fear all of Africa might pop out like something out of Jumanji. So good to be home.

First Day Home

The babies woke up more times than we cared to keep track of that first night – sometimes every hour, sometimes every 15 minutes. We expected it, not only because of the jet lag and their clocks being now 12 hours off but because of the new place (where are the Muslim loudspeaker prayers and […]


(Forgot to mention that our luggage got stuck in Dallas. Apparently we can run to the gate; the employees could not run our luggage there in time). After hugs and complaints about airlines and oohing and ahhing over the babies with our airport greeting crew (we love you guys!), we were on our way HOME […]